Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Discourse of a Wizard

Once, I thought I was a wizard.
I carved a mesquite wand to practice magic.
I made potions and tinctures from ingredients I found.
I wrote and created my own book of spells.
And given some time,
I could read your mind.

My friends and parents didn't seem to mind.
In fact, they thought it was pretty wizard.
This all lasted until a time
they realized, I really could do magic.
Then they grew fearful of my spells.
Especially when I told them, "a magic school I soon shall found!"

But the school that I had founded
was only attended by me. You see, people thought me out of my mind,
because the way I wrote my name was intentionally misspelled.
Instead of "Sam", I wrote my name as "wizard".
but hey, who doesn't want to know some magic?
Bit by bit, learning sorcery enveloped all my time.

Eventually, I beat my fastest two-mile time
because of the "running charm" that I found.
I know you think I'm crazy, for thinking I know magic.
But really, I don't mind.
After all, I am a wizard.
And you will soon be under my spell.

In fact, let me share with you a spell.
But understand, learning takes some time.
If you truly wish to be a wizard,
this is a priceless gem that you have found!
Focus hard, imagine in your mind
--that is the first step in truly knowing magic.

These words that follow will bring to life your magic:
"Eyan tuler ular von!" Now repeat the spell!
I'll be honest, I hope that you don't mind...
that was a spell to make you appear silly, for a short time.
What did you expect? There's one thing I have found:
Magic takes some patience. Take it from me. Remember, I am a wizard.

You may have noticed, through this discourse, my past to present tense of time.
Good for you, that's something intentional you found.
Because it was not once, but truly it is now: I know I am a wizard.

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