Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Not one of my personal favorites, and one of my earlier works.

Lepers and liars,
whores and adulterers,
gluttoned pigs and lazy sloths,
killers, non-believers,
Fire, brimstone, tortured souls,
eternal pain, eternal death in agony!
Give up yourselves, your very being!
Give up your Sunday morning sleeps.
Give up your thoughts, we'll think for you!
Who needs a mind when you have God?
Give up your money and precious time.
Put a Jesus on your car!
Self belief? Identity?
Children of God need none of these.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Say it with me! Hallelujah!
Open your heart, let God in!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Come to church, yes, come to church!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Yell it with me! Hallelujah!
Clasp your hands, pour out your soul!
All is done by God alone!
Scream it with me! Hallelujah!
Give up your self, your mind and soul,
or face eternal death in Hell!

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