Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Bane of a Warrior

In Elwyn Woods I strolled with a friend through a warm and cloudy night.
Our bags were stretched with bulging gold we'd claimed from our last fight.
My chainmail clinked in time with hers, along our path to Stormwind.
But as we neared the nearby town, the fog grew less and thinned...
The burning smell of smoke!
A thrashed abandoned cloak!
A horn cried loud
as thunder cloud
slashed down upon the earthen ground!
A blazing fire, reaching higher
in the town of Goldshire!
"The Horde! The Horde!"
We heard no more
over my dragon's powerful roar!
We reared into the air
off to end this mad affair.
Our bowstrings tight,
the night alight,
prepared to smite
the first to enter in our sight!
But what is this?
Something surely is amiss...
I cannot move!
I cannot move!
Oh, God damn it, not again.
This only seems to happen when--
<You have been disconnected from the server>

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